Recall that CA1 contributes to 20% of your final grade.
Your CA1 team grade has been emailed to you, along with some comments. Most of the team meets my expectations. There are two teams which fall below expectations, and one that exceeds expectation.
For individual grades, I tried my best to evaluate based on the notes I have taken. I have also double checked with some of you individually and looked into the revision history of Google Docs, when appropriate. There are a few students who are clearly the driving force behind the team and have done significantly more than others, and there are a few who have done significantly less. These are reflected in the individual grades below (B stands for “below expectation”, M for “meet expectation”, and E for “exceed expectation”).
If you feel that your grade is unfair, or your teammate is receiving an unfair grade, please feel free to talk to me.
But, regardless of your grade, remember that this is only for the first 1/3 of the semester, and there is still a long road ahead.
Here is your CA1 grade, organized by the last three digit and suffix letter:
014J B
024U M
029U B
038W M
077N M
082Y M
093J B
139R M
211L M
223B M
239W M
304U M
329J M
384H B
398H M
409N M
434H B
456Y M
493R E
493X M
521M M
527H M
535R M
543J M
546J E
558N B
571W M
573J M
586J B
587M E
598X M
605U M
631N M
654L M
673A M
674M B
696W M
723U M
734N M
735R B
738W M
773L M
788Y M
802X B
808L M
818M M
853R M
858Y B
861N M
862M M
887U M
891L M
906J M
960X M
972J M
995Y M