Your CA3 team grade has been emailed to you, along with some comments. Most team put in extra effort towards the end of the semester and delivered something delightful at the end. Most of the presentation went very well with good demos that impressed me and the examiners. We have a few more teams in the “exceeded expectation” category. Well done!
For individual grades, again, I tried my best to evaluate based on my observation, your edit log, the peer review, and the self-reporting survey. I also check through the commit log on github and read the code submitted. Again, there are students who made clear and excellent contributions beyond what the other team members have done. These individuals received a better grade than the team grade. There are three who clearly serve as the pillar of the team during the implementation period, writing significantly more code than the rest. Bravo!
As per last time, if you feel that your grade is unfair, please do not hesitate to email me before midnight, Sunday, 6 December 2015.
Here are your CA3 individual grades, organized by the last three digit and suffix letter of your student ID. E stands for “Exceed Expectation”; M is “Meet Expectation”; B is “Below Expectation”, and P stands for “Poor.”
014J E 024U M 029U B 038W M 077N E 082Y M 093J B 139R B 211L M 223B M 239W M 304U B 329J M 384H M 398H E 409N B 434H M 456Y M 493R M 493X M 521M E 527H M 535R E 543J M 546J E 558N M 571W M 573J E 586J M 587M M 598X M 605U B 631N M 654L M 673A E 674M M 696W E 723U E 734N E 735R B 738W E 773L E 788Y P 802X P 808L M 818M M 853R B 858Y B 861N M 862M M 887U E 891L B 906J M 960X E 972J E 995Y E