Here are your CA1 individual grades, for Week 1 - 4. OK, I know this is coming very late (this is already Week 10!) and I apologize for it. I completely underestimated the mount of code 50+ students can produce in four weeks, and
the amount of time I need to browse through and somewhat understand your code, as well as individual commits for every student.
Your individual grade is based on what I read from the master branch, up to end of Week 4. For some of you who commited very little to the master branch, I have contacted you and read your other branches. It is possible that, for some of you, you have made significant coding contributions that I missed because it is in another repo or in another branch. Please let me know if this is the case.
Note that this grade is given based on the work done in the first four weeks of the semesters. Some of you might have done more from Week 5 - 10. That work will be assessed accordingly for CA2.
Here are the legends:
- E: Exceed Expectation
- M: Meet Expectation
- B: Below Expectation
- P: Poor
- F: Fail
and your individual grades:
014J E
024U B
029U M
038W B
077N E
082Y B
093J P
139R M
211L B
223B M
239W B
304U M
329J M
384H M
398H M
409N B
434H M
456Y B
493R M
493X M
521M E
527H B
535R E
543J M
546J M
558N M
571W M
573J M
586J P
587M E
598X M
605U E
631N M
654L B
673A E
674M E
696W E
723U E
734N E
735R F
738W E
773L E
788Y B
802X F
808L M
818M M
853R B
858Y F
861N M
862M E
887U M
891L B
906J E
960X E
972J E
995Y M