Your CA2 team grade has been emailed to you, along with some comments. With a longer period of evaluation (5 weeks vs. 2 weeks for CA1), my expectation is higher in terms of the amount and quality of work done, so more teams fall below my expectation this time. Only one team that managed to “wow” me and got an “exceeded expectation” grade.

For individual grades, I tried my best to evaluate based on my observation, your edit log, the peer review, and the self-reporting survey. Again, there are a few students who made clear and excellent contributions beyond what the other team members have done. These individuals received a better grade than the team grade. There are also a few who have fallen behind more significantly than others, in terms of contribution to the team, technical aptitude, and doing what is asked (e.g., peer review). I had to give out a “poor” grade for a few of you.

As per last time, if you feel that your grade is unfair, please do not hesitate to talk to me.

Here is your CA2 individual grade, organized by the last three digit and suffix letter. E stands for “Exceed Expectation”; M is “Meet Expectation”; B is “Below Expectation”, and P stands for “Poor.”

014J M
024U M
029U B
038W M
077N M
082Y M
093J B
139R B
211L B
223B M
239W M
304U M
329J B
384H B
398H B
409N P
434H P
456Y M
493R B
493X M
521M M
527H M
535R M
543J B
546J M
558N B
571W B
573J E
586J E
587M E
598X B
605U M
631N B
654L M
673A M
674M E
696W M
723U M
734N M
735R B
738W M
773L M
788Y M
802X B
808L M
818M M
853R B
858Y P
861N B
862M E
887U M
891L M
906J E
960X E
972J M
995Y M


05 November 2015
